Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nothing Like a Sleeping Baby

Our Photo Shoot at the Pier

We were down to the wire this year with our Christmas card so we decided to take Jack down to the Manhattan Pier. Of course, we got down there and found at least three other families with the same idea and the sun fading fast. Luckily we got a few shots. These were the ones that didn't make it.

Jack Giving Himself a Bath

Lately Jack has been really helpful around the house. Tonight he was doing the whole bath routine on his own, including an extra step of drinking his own bath water.

Scarred by Santa

Our visit with Santa didn't go over too well with Jack. Jack is actually hoping that Santa doesn't come to town this year.

The only way we could get him to smile was to provide a shield between him and the evil, fat man in the red suit. Ray and I obviously weren't planning on being in the picture...

Jack's First Trip Back to PA

We had a fabulous visit back to PA for Thanksgiving. Although flying back and forth was a little hairy (Jack nailed the sleeping passenger behind us with his full sippy cup), after a little Benedryll everyone was fine (the person behind us only suffered minor bruises). Jack got to meet many aunts, uncles, and cousins for the first time, but his favorite part of the visit was the endless entertainment and playing with Nanny, Pappy, Aunt Jaime, and Uncle Doug. He is such a lucky little boy to be loved by so many wonderful people.

Ray, Jaime, Doug and I left Jack for a few days with Nanny and Pappy to attend the coldest Penn State game in 20 years. Good thing they won!

Most of Ray's cousins and their children

Jack's Thanksgiving dinner

Some of Ray's cousins without their kids

Kate's Visit

Kate came into town for a quick visit and Jack and I got to spend the day with my darling God Daughter, Ava, and Adam. Adam was so sweet "sharing" all of his toys with Jack and Ava was such a great baby Kate and I almost forgot she was there!

Marina's First Birthday

We had a great time celebrating our cousin, Marina's first birthday. As a special Maltese (or Greek) tradition on the first birthday, the child chooses one object from a basket of many, that will represent their future career. Marina picked the ruler which symbolized a teacher or a career in math. Jack picked the Rosary and everyone was convinced that he was going to become a priest. Although Ray and I aren't too sure about that, we think it must be from all of the church that we go to regularly. :)

Four Generations

Jack, mom, and I got to have a very special vist with my nanny, Jack's great nanny. She is hanging in there and I feel so lucky that Jack is able to know and spend time with his special Great Nanny.

My Gym!

We've had a few make-ups at My Gym lately, so we decided to take daddy along and show him how much fun we've been having. It was WAY more fun with daddy there to partake in all of the activities. We also got to watch Jack in action as he hit on a new girl... Go Jack!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Jack had a great time celebrating Halloween this year. We had lots of fun events this year including trick or treating in downtown Manhattan Beach, a Halloween party at American Martyrs, a Halloween parade at Mommy and Me and a great night of trick or treating around town. We definitely got our money out of Jack's costume this year!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We visited a pumpkin patch today, complete with yet another petting zoo and the scariest pony rides west of the Rockies. You should have seen how scary these horsies were.... well, you can judge for yourself below. Jack had a great time picking out pumpkins and rolling around in, I mean eating, the hay. He can't wait for next weekend when he gets to dress up in his costume and go trick-or-treating.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hometown Fair

We had a fun day at the Hometown Fair this year. We couldn't believe it, Jack got second place in the Toddler Trot! Ray and I are so proud of our little guy. :) After the race, Jack had a great time petting the goats and chasing the ducks. We finished the day with a superman cookie, especially since it matched his shirt!

Pre-game Pep Talk

Silver Medal Trot!!!

"I wonder what would happen if I pull this ear..."

Jack thought he might try some of the yummy goat's food.

"This definitely beats goat's food!"